We can defeat TB and COVID-19 together

LATEST: COVID-19 lockdown may erase 5–8 years of progress against TB

International efforts have succeeded in slowing the COVID-19 epidemic – but responding to COVID-19 has also forced disruption of existing TB control programs around the globe.

A sobering new report released by Stop TB finds potential for an additional 1.4 million tuberculosis deaths by 2025, resulting from disruption of TB prevention services during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Global public health leaders are urging a ramp-up of TB services

The collaborating authors, including the Stop TB partnership, Johns Hopkins University and USAID, built their model on the results of Hogan et al., who identified the potential for a 20% increase in TB-related deaths in high-burden countries. Dr. Dititu, Executive Director of the Stop TB Partnership, has warned of the far-reaching impact of shuttered TB prevention programs. Her organization is calling for immediate action to stem the potential flood of TB – including a massive catch-up effort to actively diagnose, trace, treat and prevent the disease.

Read the Stop TB report and find additional resources below:

It’s time to know your TB status – It's time to test and treat latent TB

  • Risk-based screening: A primary care approach to TB elimination

    Join Dr. Scott Lindquist, MD, MPH as he describes how primary care providers can lead the US effort to eliminate tuberculosis by implementing a comprehensive, risk-based TB screening program. You’ll learn more about the most recent recommendations from the CDC and USPSTF and hear how IGRA-based screening programs can support TB elimination efforts while increasing efficiencies at the practice level.

  • Meeting the global challenge

    Tuberculosis is the world’s leading infectious disease killer, claiming 1.5 million lives in 2018. Yet TB is preventable and curable.  At the first-ever UN High-Level Meeting on TB, world leaders committed to delivering preventive TB testing and treatment to 30 million people by 2022. Only by expanding testing for latent TB infection can we finally end the global TB epidemic.

  • The unexpected honeymoon souvenir

    For Scott Halstead and his wife, Karen, their honeymoon in Africa led to a very different kind of memento being brought home. Learn more about their journey from diagnosis to treatment.


Learn more about QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus

  • Testing millions to stop tuberculosis migration

    In the Gulf region, labor migration is the main source of new TB cases. Migrant workers are tested for active TB with X-ray examinations. However, this does not identify asymptomatic individuals infected with latent TB, who may develop the disease and risk infecting others. Learn how TB expert Dr. Eskild Petersen is spearheading the fight to end TB in the gulf.  

  • Making an impact in Africa

    Amadou Gueye has a mission. That mission is to help the many contacts of TB patients, migrants and refugees of sub-Saharan Africa access fast and accurate latent TB results, holding firm in his belief that we can better manage the disease. Amadou’s challenge is convincing decision makers and leaders in the health ministries that investing in routine tests now is ultimately cheaper than curbing a possible outbreak later.


Interested in adopting QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus testing?

  • A new automated testing solution to streamline care

    The CDC recommends TB blood tests (IGRAs), like QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus, for the majority of the US testing population.  QIAGEN and DIASORIN are now proud to offer LIAISON QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus, the first and only FDA-approved, fully automated assay to aid in the diagnosis of TB infection.

  • It’s time to spread the word

    Only by working together can we help put an end to the global TB epidemic. Learn more about latent TB and spread the word by taking our latent TB quiz and sharing your results.

    Are you ready to help join the fight?

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